2010 is finally here, and i can't believe it!
I had the most strange year last year, and i'm hoping this year will be a bit more lucky for me. I lost my job in January (my poor bank account has suffered since), i became an auntie (he's so adorable), i had my one year anniversary with my lovely boyfriend :), i almost lost my dad (the worst thing of the year :[) and i went back to college (only to be surrounded by the fresh out of school bunch that are driving me insane!)
So in a bid to start things off on a good note, heres my new years resolutions...
1. stop eating rubbish
2. join a gym - i'm finally having to accept that ever more prominent belly is really there!
3. make my wardrobe "quality not quantity", it really is better to buy something nice from selfridges that will last, than 5 things from primark that will fall apart in a couple of months!
4. find that perfect red lipstick
5. pay more attention to my youtube channel! - i haven't uploaded in ages!
6. make more time for my bestie. Since high school i see her a few times a year (she lives miles away) and it's just not enough.
7. finally accept that no fake tan works for me - and embrace being pale!
8. find a job!
9. sort out my makeup collection, it keeps growing but my storage solution doesnt
and 10. remember to live life to the fullest and be happy, as my mum always says!
happy new year guys :)
Only two more sleeps till christmas! eek! :)
Another month gone, another lot of goodies tried and tested. Heres my favourite products i discovered and re-discovered this month...
First off - Front cover eye spy palette
I got this for £30 at boots, even though it said £40 on the tag! The colours are amazing. The top three rows are shimmer shadows, my favs are Powder puff - a golden peach (2nd from the left, top row), Burnt toast - rich coppery brown (to the right of Powder puff) and Taffeta blue - a gorgeous navy blue with light blue reflects (4th from the left, 3rd row).
Underneath the shimmer shadows are five matt shadows, i've not really taken to these as they're nothing special, if i'm honest!
There are also four small tubes of glitter that can be applied all over the lid or mixed with the shadowline (the black thing that looks like liquid eyeliner!) to make glittery eye liner.
Body Shop Tea tree face mask
I've been using this heavenly mask for a few weeks now and it's fast replacing my current fask mask! I found it to have a warming effect on my skin, even though it doesn't mention a warming effect on the label. It is a bit hard to wash off as if doesn't dry, but my skin feels so soft and cleansed after wards i'll let it's only con slide!
Soap & Glory Sugar crush body scrub
In scent, it sort of resembles "BIG" by LUSH. It's very limey, so if your not one for citrus scents this, isn't one for you. In winter skin gets dryed out by the cold, so it's important to invest in a good body scrub and this one is my new wonder scrub! It's a sugar scrub which means it's super gritty (which i love). It does leave a residue on the skin, but not as bad as some scrubs i've tried, and it doesnt stay sticky after your dry. Left my skin feeling soft, looking great and smelling delicious!
Rose & Co Rose petal salve
As it says on the tin, an excellent all round salve! Now don't get me wrong, i love my blistex relief cream, but i'm getting tired of it oozing out every time i take the lid off and holes appearing when i'm squeezing the last of it out. So for now i'm switching to a tinned alternative. I've been using this salve what seems like forever, it's amazing for a lip balm and a cuticle balm. It smells like roses as the name suggests but i've had a few people comment on it smelling like turkish delight :S. I'll let you make your minds up!
Lee Stafford Growth treatment mask
"A treatment for hair that never grows past a certain length" - what it says on the tub.
It's a protein based complex that fertalizes follicles, creating a healthy environment on the scalp to help hair grow and reach it's maximum potential length. I've been using it for a week and it's not made this list for it's hair growing powers (i've not been using it long enough) it's made the cut because since i've been using it my hair and scalp has honestly never looked healthier! It has that typical hair product smell, heavily perfumed and what not! You apply it in between shampoo and conditioner and leave it for five minutes. I'll keep you updated on whether or not it helps my hair grow!
and finally... Remington Spin curl
Curls whilst it drys... need i say more? I've been using this to style my hair almost every day since i got it. It's quicker than blow drying then curling and has similar results! It's only two cons - it only curls one way and it doesn't completely dry your hair (i've found leaving it for 10 minutes after will dry it out completely).
For shorter hair (like mine) it creates a messy mix of curls and waves and on longer (tried out on a friend) it creates long lovely ringlets or olsen twin-esk waves if combed out. Which is great because it's not limited to one hair type.
Hope you all have a very merry christmas and a happy new years guys :)
thankyou all so much for following!
Winter is deffinately here, and winter means one thing from my poor hands... dry skin and cuticles!
I'm obsessed with having soft hands and up until now i've been using LUSH's Smitten hand cream. But i'm pleased to say i've found something that beats it :)
I've only been using this product for 5 days and already i can see the difference! I apply it every night avec cotton gloves (you do look a bit michael jackson-ish but oh well!) and i wake up in the morning with silky smooth hands!
I've also been teaming it with Body Shop's Almond oil hand and nail cream in the day time, another product i'm falling in love with. I'd reccoment both of them, two perchases you deffinately wouldn't regret!
UPDATE: this is so strange, But this product has actually made my nails stronger! I have really weak nails (thanks to my love of acrylics) and honestly i can push down on the tips now and they're solid! If any of you try this product let me know if it did the same for you :)
So my brother moved back in yesterday, he split up with his girlfriend (bad times), and decided rather than use up his own money in a flat he'd come home and spend my parents!
Now my brother, bless him, has suffered from full blown acne for years and he still had it last time i saw him (baring in mind this was only a few weeks ago) but when i saw him yesterday his skin was completely clear.
so the first thing i asked him, typical of me, was "how did you do it? where did you get it? i want some now!" haha
and to my suprise it wasn't some expensive night cream or some fancy gel, it was dettol. yeah...the stuff you clean you kitchen with!
He said every couple of days he would put 2 caps of dettol in his bath, soak for 5 or 10 minutes and his spots would go down dramatically.
Now i'm a total sceptic when it comes to spot treatments, i've been there, used that and never found anything amazing. But i tried it anyway.
The smell was a love or hate smell. It reminded me of when i was little and my mum would clean up my cuts with it. But to some people i can imagine it not smelling too pleasant, but you get use to it after a bit.
When i got out i felt squeeky clean! (it is disinfectant after all)and my spots where visably smaller and less red. I really have to admit, the stuff works!
It's advised not to use it too often and to make sure its well diluted. If not you could cause skin irritation and it would defeat the whole point of the bath.
Thumbs up i say! :)