Monday 22 August 2011

Mr Bright Side

Some of you may remember a post I did a while ago about my rather out of character purchase of Costa Chic by MAC. I thought I'd just give you a bit of an update on it - I'm in love! I wore it almost every day whilst on holiday in Spain. Since it's quite a bold colour, I'd say it probably suits more tanned skin tones. So being the untannable woman myself, I find it easier to wear it sheer and dab it over some lip balm. I usually pair it with Head Over Heels cream blush by Topshop, they're very similar colours and so go perfectly together!

Any one else crazy for Costa Chic?



  1. It really suits you! I love costa chic, i tend to just apply a tiny amount when I'm pale as well. I should probably show it some more love though! x

  2. Perfect make-up! Love the blog name.

    Helen, X
